We know how it feels to give your love to a child who pushes it away. When a child is unable to trust anyone, they can grow to become little more than a boarder in your home. As they age out of childhood, their behaviors only magnify and worsen, often escalating to a young adulthood characterized by unemployment, incarceration, and/or homelessness. If you are feeling rejected by your child’s challenging behaviors, we are here to help.

Unplowed Ground

Children from trauma need an intensive level of care, which we call "therapeutic parenting." In Unplowed Ground, you will learn how to do the work of plowing the soil of your child’s heart, rewiring their brains from survival to connection, and cultivating a lifetime of love.

Children who have endured trauma in their early years of life many times have heart soil that is hard, like unplowed ground. The Lord wants to use us as a tool to help cultivate and break up that ground, that hard soil of the heart, so that our children can soak up our love and, more importantly, soak up His love.

Unplowed Ground is based on the many gardening word pictures in Scripture comparing the human heart with soil… “Sow for yourselves righteousness and reap the fruit of loving devotion; break up your unplowed ground. For it is time to seek the LORD until He comes and sends righteousness upon you like the rain.”

-Hosea 10:12

I am so grateful for the support offered by King’s Ranch. Not only have we gained helpful tools for our family, we know there is an understanding team who pray for us and really know what we are going through and the sort of encouragement and support we need.

Unplowed Ground Mom

“The tools we gained from Unplowed Ground to help parent our adopted child were priceless. We are so grateful. I was ready to give up. I had no idea how to handle these strange behaviors, and my buttons were always pushed. I can now appropriately handle my child and help him to learn how to manage his own behaviors. We are far from perfect, but have made so much progress.”

Unplowed Ground Family

“We struggled for several years with our first two adopted children. We didn’t know what it was… but we knew something was wrong and we couldn’t figure it out. Then we were trained in Unplowed Ground, and it has completely changed our family and our home! We finally saw that our kids needed something from us that we weren’t providing. We fully believe that God led us to Unplowed Ground to be equipped and empowered in order for our children to find true healing, which comes from Him alone.”

Unplowed Ground Family

“Before implementing Unplowed Ground, our 3 year old was very aggressive with our two other children, was very defiant when instructed to do anything, was throwing major temper tantrums, etc. After Unplowed Ground, her behavior did a complete turn around. She is no longer aggressive and the defiance has slowly faded away. She is thriving, and we are thriving, because we now have tools to use with her that are effective and tailored for her needs.”

Unplowed Ground Family

I was ready to give up. I had no idea how to handle these strange behaviors and my buttons were always pushed. I can now appropriately handle my child and help him to learn how to manage his own behaviors. We are far from perfect but have made so much progress.”

unplowed ground mom

Rewiring brains

Learn brain-healing communication techniques and intensive care structure strategies that will rewire your child’s brain, so that they can go from surviving to thriving.

Cultivating Hearts

Learn how to cultivate your child’s heart by passing the five trust tests and providing felt safety, so that their heart is softened and ready to receive your love.

Sowing seeds of love

Receive practical resources for sowing seeds of love in your child’s heart with intensive care nurture, and learn how to keep your own heart soil soft, so that you can thrive and grow in God’s love.
Register for Jumpstart
Begin your journey today

How It Works:

Register for Unplowed Ground Jumpstart.

New Family Registration: $249 (or 3 payments of $83)


Commit to the 5 weeks of the Jumpstart program

Each week, attend the group Monday Live Call and your private Thursday Online Consult with your personal parent coach. Follow your Weekly To-Do List, and complete your Weekly Checklist each week of the program.

Transition to the Unplowed Ground VIP Membership

At the end of your initial 5-week experience, you will be eligible for VIP Membership, which will automatically be billed at a rate of $34.99/month. Achieve long-term success with your child with monthly one-on-one coaching calls with your parent coach and 24/7 access to the Unplowed Ground VIP Portal. Pause or cancel at any time!


Sometimes the best thing you can do for your kids is to take care of yourself — physically, emotionally, and spiritually. In fact, studies show that kids feel safest around adults who are take good care of themselves in all three of these areas. With just 15 minutes

Spiritual formation is profoundly affected by early childhood trauma. Research teaches us that a child learns to trust good, safe parents during the first and second years of life. They look to their parents as “god-like” figures, all powerful, all knowing, with the ability t

Wondering if Unplowed Ground will work with your child?

Sign up and receive a 2-minute video in your inbox every day for 21 days! Each video contains one practical parenting tip you can try using in your home that day.

Daily Tips


Unplowed Ground Jumpstart Begins October 21, 2024!

Soften your child’s heart. Grow a root of trust. Uproot thorns of trauma.